Friday, July 25, 2008

Making changes

I'm a compulsive tinkerer by nature.  Nothing is ever quite right, and I'm always tweaking something.  Today it's the blog.  Yes, that's my hand holding my pliers, and it's from a drawing exercise I did several months ago.  It's not perfect, but I think it's kind of cool--a handmade image about handmade jewelry.  If I did more drawing I would go around at art fairs asking my friends to pose as hand models with the tools of their trade.  There is something beautiful to me about hands that work and people who make things with their hands.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

More about Etsy

The Etsy store has been up for almost two weeks now, and I love it.  It's so user-friendly that even I can use it!  Right now I'm just kind of splitting my existing inventory between Etsy and my booth, but I'm already envisioning some special things just for online.

Friday, July 11, 2008

New Online Store

Here it is, the official announcement:  Winding Road Jewelry Studio is now online!   Click on the highlighted text to go there.  I decided to use Etsy as the platform because I love the way their site works.  It allows me to offer one-of-a-kind items as well as more production-oriented work, and lets customers make requests too.  I'm adding new items every couple of days, so check often.  I'll have separate inventory for sale online and at shows, so especially with the O-O-A-K stuff you should buy it when and where you see it.